About Proud & Disgusted

Proud & Disgusted is a content engine and podcast network based out of Portland, Oregon. We focus on original content, diverse voices, and making you laugh.

Proud & Disgusted was made by Danny Palmer and Elizabeth Martin in 2016. And eventually we'll decide what else to put on this page, we swear. 

Our Shows

I've Only Been Wrong Twice

A weekly advice podcast from Danny Palmer and Elizabeth Martin. Every Tuesday they choose a few real questions from real listeners, they give them fake names, and answer their questions as best we can.

Lost 'N Portland

Getting lost in passion leads to purpose, where you unexpectedly find your authentic self. Each week Chris Franklin has conversations with local creatives and thought leaders about getting lost in the landscapes that inspire their work.

My Darling Vegan

Every week vegan chef and blogger Sarah McMinn takes an approachable look at veganism as we talk about how to prepare vegan food, the hidden benefits of a plant-based diet, and how to take veganism beyond the kitchen and into our everyday lives.


Find Your Own Forest

Every week Jayne Forest shares interviews with fitness professionals, transformation stories, spiritual inspiration, motivational tips, nutrition information, any anything that might help you discover your own higher quality of life and deeper understanding.

The Dannyprose Podcast

Every week or so Danny Palmer interviews interesting people who aren't famous (but should be) about what they are passionate about.